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Without a healthy base of voluteers our horses don't get the attention they need, exercise, hand grazing, brushing, hoof cleaning, bathing, poop scooping, and other husbandry chores and maintenance doesn't get done.​



PLEASE CALL 760-443-6803


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If you can't commit to a regular schedule of volunteering each week, then our workdays are a great opportunity to come out and help maintain the property and imporve the living conditions for the horses. The best way to keep up with what is scheduled is to "Like" the rescue on Facebook. That is where we schedule all of our fun volunteer events!









Usually we hold one in the spring and one in the fall. This year (2014) we had trouble getting a veterinarian to do the surgeries. We have one clinic scheduled this fall. Watch for exact dates on our Facebook page. Please spread the word that a clinic will be held so that potential stallions to be gelded can plan to attend. The cost is $75.00 to geld a normal horse and $125.00 if the horse is a cryptorchid. Some of the clinics are not able to accommodate cryptorchids.








Funding is always a concern for the rescue. If you are inclined to hold a bake sale, tack sale, walk-a-ton, etc. then you are the perfect person for us! If your company has matching funding for charities, we need you.


Our annual budget runs right around $35,000.00 a year and we have no paid employees. This means we rely on donations and grants. Grants are very difficult to get and there is a lot of competition. Donations have been down since 2010.


Any fundraising yuo can coordinate and make happen will be of great benefit to the horses and facilities maintenance!

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