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Golden Royal 14 yo OTTB


Roy has had major hoof issues for the last 2 years. We have decided to place him in teh Sanctuary until we can get the issues either diagnosed and a decision made, or hios issues corrected. We have an appointment with the Equine


I ran at Del Mar and I was good at it making $40,000.00 in my 8 starts. However, I HATED my job and I was not well cared for. My hooves kept getting quarter cracks and I was not fed high quality foods in an attempt to keep me calmer. All it did was make me mad.

TEARS came to the track to pick me up. I was drugged and loaded in the trailer, but my trainer would not heed the TEARS person and I escaped taking an unscheduled race down the backside of the barns. Several folks asked when Iwas to run again as I am THAT fast... even on tranquilizers!

When I got to TEARS I was immediatley introduced to teh herd. They were all so happy to see the TEARS folks, but I hurt and had been hurt so much all I could do was bare my teeth and charge. They kept a huge wheelbarrow between me and them for the first 10 days.

It was then I decided that so many other horses had to know something... they all got petted, scratched, and chiropractics while I stayed off by myself.... so one day I stretched out my neck in an offering to the nice lady...and she came over and scratched me!


Ever since then I have tried really hard to be a good guy. I have been kind to Girl Scouts, I have followed my trainer on a rocky trail without needing a lead line, and I allowed her to ride me without a bridle!


I will need a VERY special person to adopt me as I am extremely intelligent and think all the time. I am also a boo boo magnet and don't do well in a herd situation... the other horses beat me up!

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