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Nighthawk Maiden 12 yo Paint QH


I came to TEARS through Auction Horse Rescue. I was a Body Condition Score 2/9 and I had a 2 month old filly at my side. I was so under nurished, I barely had any  milk for her. I was allowed to roam the countryside at night looking for food... but there was no nutrition in it at all.

I got a visit from the vet within 3 days of coming to TEARS... Larry Martin, DVM was really nice. He said I had a belly full of sand and needed my teeth done. He also said I needed to gain some weight before they could be done... and my foal needed to be weaned.

Over the next 6 weeks, I was started on many small meals of alfalfa. In 3 days.. I got to have beet pulp soaked and senior feed added. Electroyles, beneficial gut bacteria, Source, and sweet feed were added in time. I thought I had reached Nirvana as I had all the food I could eat all day!

I bagged up and was able to feed my filly.... but she was also weating what I ate! We were both given B complex vitamins to get us back into an anabolic state from a catabolic state... and boy did we start filling out!

I have been ridden western, I have APHA papers, and I am a good girl with no physical issues. I can be a little stubborn taking the bit, but I am fine with it once it is in... and I may get over that with time and a gentle hand!

I went to the Boy Scout Camp for the summer and when I came back, I was ready to be adopted. I am now living in East San Diego County with my very own kids from 2 families to ride me... and an occasional adult! I also have horsey friends to spend my days with.





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