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ADOPOTED!!!! After 7 years, Awesome, now known as Atlas, has been adopted in March of 2016!

Utterly Awesome

9 yo OTTB


I came to the rescue through The Second Race (this rescue has been disbanded) along with another OTTB you can see on the page of Success Stories! She was a bossy mare... and I was forever in her shadow. I didn't feel right either.

The nice folks at TEARS figured out I needed chiropractic care for a stuck neck and shoulder... after a few adjustments... my personality blossomed!

I have been ready for my forecer home for several years now... but I haven't found that special someone yet. I have no vices, am great on trail, can perform dressage (but need much more bending and stretching work), and, as you can see, I can jump! 

I will be spending the summer at the Boy Scout Camp and hope to come back to find my forever home.





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