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Euthanasia Clinics Anticipated Start in Late 2015


Euthasia is a very difficult subject and has generated much heated debate. At TEARS, we feel that everyone should have access to low cost euthanasia for a horse in need. Horses are large animals and often it is in excess of $500.00 to have a veterinarian out to euthanize a horse that truly should be... Disposal costs add to the financial burden as well as the emotional anxiety.


Horses often end up at auction where unsuspecting folks often end up "rescuing" the horse only to find it is permanently injured with no hope of a pain free life. Even worse, the horse will be "saved" by a rescue to be kept in agony without appropriate veterinary examination and shipped to a foster or adopter only to find the same issues... euthanasia needs to happen. But the most heinous situation is to find that same horse on a veicle not designed to transport horses... where the horse is confused and terrified, hurting.... to end up in a country where laws to humanely kill the horse... do not exist.


Holding a euthanasia clinic is a challenge and TEARS is currently working to plan for all concievable issues regarding legality, disposal of the horses after euthanasia, and care of the owner in need of the service. If you are a veterinarian or disposal agent, we need to speak with you.


The following is why it will take until 2015 to offer this service:


1. Criteria for accepting horses for a euthanasia clinic must be identified

2. Cost of euthanasia drugs and administration must be calculated

3. Cost and logistics of disposal of the carcasses must be calculated and coordinated

4. Legality of having owners present at euthanasia must be addressed either by a waiver or by allowing drop off and goodbye only

5. Holding area for horses to be euthanized where they will not be stressed unduly

6. Number of horses to be accepted at any given clininc must be determined

7. Finding a veterianrian or veterinary students with instructor willing to supervise and provide the drugs

8. Fabricating the legal documents for authorization from the owner to humanely euthanize the horse

9. Advertisiing type and with what publications/facilities/etc.

10. Insurance needs to be found and cost determined.

11. Grants need to be written to apply for funds to cover most of the cost of euthanasia

12. Charge for euthanasia to the owner

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