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Even Taler (Celeste)



A frantic call came from Southern California Thoroughbred Rescue. They needed a place for a pregnant mare... and could we also take another 2 year old used for tripping practice to a new rescue in Ramona? How could we say no?

We went to Mike's Auction the next day and picked up this mare and a young Thoroughbred that was a PINTO! We dropped him off at Blue Apple Ranch and took Even Taller to TEARS training facility as she was at risk to lose her foal.

Even Taler turned out to be VERY lame on her front feet... after 2 weeks and a much needed trim. We had to wait to do diagnostics because of her pregnancy... sedation could be dangerous to the foal.

At about 9 months into her pregnancy based on the foal size and development... she aborted the foal. It was heart wrenching... she was so sire we could bring life back to her foal. The solid black filly with 4 white sox never took a breath... a necropsy was performend.. and she was teh product of an incomplete twinning... 4 kidneys and many other abnormalities inconsistent with life...

Once Even Taller, now named Celeste, recovered frm her miscarriage....she was taken to Pima Veterinary Technician School and they took xrays. Her coffin bones were disintegrating. She was miserable. Corrective shoeing was a disaster... making her even more lame.

We made the decision to help her cross the Rainbow Bridge... she was only 14 years old.

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